Monday, June 25, 2018

new moon

Thank you, Lily Ashwell, for your thoughtful blog post (and your beautiful Venice Beach store).

The Supermoon always fascinates me, as does the energy of romantic, mystical summer ....

New Moon in Gemini on Wednesday June 13th, 2018 is a Supermoon, meaning she’s closer to earth than usual with an increased energetic pull to match. Gemini is all about integration + communication – it’s both the bridge between our subconscious + conscious worlds (internal) + how we express ourselves in the world + creatively speak our truth (external). This energy comes to us at this sacred half way point in the year, where we’re urged to check in + notice how far we’ve come + consider what new things to journey towards.
Our thoughts are the lens through which we experience life + this Gemini energy encourages us to look closely at our inner landscape, so we may use it as a supportive tool to manifest our reality. Gemini’s airiness is helpful here, as it gives us the objective, unemotional clarity to dissociate from our thoughts + the space to feel our eternal stillness. The key is in getting quiet enough to realize we are not our thoughts, empowering us to choose which ones to listen to + which to release.
Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury – the nimble god who can easily travel from the heavens to the underworld, knowing all sides to every story. We’re internally supported by this agile energy + have an unusual connection to our intuition + inner truth under this moon. It’s wise to take advantage of this clarity - pinpoint your deep knowing, beyond thought, beyond fear + ego + make sure you're communicating to self + expressing into the world from this place of truth.
What stories do we keep telling ourselves? Which ones are true + supportive, which ones are fear based + blocking us from moving forward? This moon offers a deep healing + the opportunity to burn old thoughts, beliefs + patterns to the ground so we may rebuild ourselves in truth. Questions will be asked of + by you + lifelong perceptions will be broken. We are also asked to courageously speak our truth + trust our highest path will manifest if we communicate clearly, openly + bravely from the heart.
With love + light,

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