Saturday, June 25, 2016

waiting for the rain

i started this draft on the morning of July 28th, 2013, the last official day of the Rain Room's NYC run. 

i had turned 50 earlier in the month and the hugely popular exhibit was on my list to experience as part of my milestone celebration.

i never completed the post for some reason and sadly, lost my phone a week or so later and many of the photos which had not yet uploaded...

i did not lose the quick shots of Bill Cunningham, though....

we will miss him so much, the humble man who took his cue from the clothes and imparted among his many wisdoms, "He who seeks beauty shall find it!"

It is raining out now and all I can think of are the poor souls standing outside on w 54th street, parasols open, waiting, waiting, waiting to get into the Rain Room on the last day, the exhibit open until midnight for the occasion...  I knew it would be an unusual day yesterday when I arrived at the early hour of 7:25 a.m. and a line already wrapped around to Fifth Avenue!

By ten o'clock the MOMA volunteer squad herded members into a separate line and gave us a sense of hope that approximately eight hours later we would get access to the exhibition.  I made the firm decision I was staying and promptly adopted a couple from Queens who were not members and pulled them next to me as guests.

When NYT fashion photographer Bill Cunningham suddenly, quietly cruised by on his bicycle first in one direction then back in the other, and clearly passed on us all as style subjects, I kind of thought for a moment that maybe I should abort, too, but honestly, there was a lot to look at and I could do the job for Bill for the day if it came down to it.

Down to it, yes it did come, ten hours later, when my newfound Fab 10 friends and I danced in the rain for all of the 7 minutes we were then allotted at the closing hour of 5:30 p.m.

Here is what I saw while waiting for the rain .....

(note: the photos of street styles i could view from my place in line should have been inserted here but are missing.  although i failed Mr. Cunningham in that regard, here are a few shots of the Rain Room arrival and experience, salvaged i think because they were shared via phone on the spot with friends charting my day's progress in line... )

Rain Room...